2022 League of Legends Top Elo Boosting Websites

Are you trying to find the best League of Legends elo boosting website for your lol boosting order?

If you don’t know which one you should choose, make sure to check this post and you will have extra help on which one you should select without having to go all-in on a website that you don’t know how they work and avoid having problems with your account.

The top 3 websites I found were:


Proplayed.com is by far the worse of the 3 websites I’ve chosen, prices are insanely high for the service they provide.

The website is not easy to use and the options are a bit confusing.

The options the website provides are good, they have a lot of options, but some of them are offline at the moment and not able to be used ( Said by the customer support).

About the boosters, their team of boosters are really small, so if they have high order volume your order can take a while to be assigned, mine took a day and once assigned the booster didn’t really do a great work, the booster managed to finished the job and got my rank.


Eloboostleague.com will be definitely my website to go if I ever need League boosting again, the website looks great and really well done, it has all the options you want for League of Legends and you can also add custom orders or extra options to your order.

The support given before and during the order is absolutely great, everyone on their team does his best to keep you satisfied and happy with everything.

The boosters on their team are what I called ” God players”, the booster doing my order managed to finish it with 90% win rate and with always high performances.

About the prices provided by them, from the 3 websites they have the lowest prices of them all with the best service.


Lol-Academy.net is on my 2nd place for best elo boosting websites, even though the prices are a bit high the booster’s performances were great and got me high win rates.

The website doesn’t have the extra options for orders like eloboostleague.com has but if you don’t mind having the booster playing his champions you won’t have any issue.

The only thing that I didn’t like was the support, they don’t have customer support always online for you or a member’s area to chat with the booster, but besides that the service is good and legit.

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